Selasa, 09 Juli 2019

Tugas terakhir B.inggris

Best Experience :

When futsal indoor soccer gunadarma represent a region jakarta would like to play in a league of a college student who is his first game in charge in malang , with me and it was as well i am was on a team futsal indoor soccer gunadarma .I was very proud because of upon the mountains where thousands of thousands of displaced persons who took part selection held by advisory board in futsal indoor soccer gunadarma i that was selected as of his players .I absolutely did not expect a team to conduct field futsal indoor soccer gunadarma budget is going to be qualifying for the last of national who plays in miserable and to be pitied , because of college campuses others have a player who is already a lot of his experiences , there is also that crosses it has just got access the indonesian national team , and as playing on the futsal indoor soccer league on tuesday night as indonesia .Me and the team futsal indoor soccer gunadarma finally can beat thing of campus is
the possessor of the player would , however at the end of gunadarma in the area of jakarta were only able to obtain the winner in the event 2 and all that is in unfortunate not qualifying for the last of the group one standings .We are very happy to to the inflation rate although kaami are not champions in malang as they have been left national qualifying for the last of course we were already so proud of .

Causative Verb :

Use the correct from of the verb in parentheses in each of the following sentence.
1. The teacher made alex___(leave) the room.
Answer : leave.
2. Megan got marvin___(type) by a mechanic.
Answer : typed.
3. We gor our house___(paint) last week.
Answer : to paint.
4. Dylan got his transcripts___(send) to the university.
Answer : to send.
5. Selena is getting her hair___(cut) tomorrow.
Answer : to cut.

Senin, 24 Juni 2019

Etika & profesional

Web Designer

Web Design atau Perancangan Web merupakan suatu bentuk istilah umum yang biasa digunakan untuk mencakup bagaimana isi web konten tersebut bisa ditampilkan kepada pengguna, yang biasanya itu berupa hypertext atau hypermedia, yang dikirimkan ke pengguna akhir.

Dengan cara mengirimkannya melalui World Wide Web (WWW) yang menggunakan suatu browser web atau perangkat lunak berbasis web.

Tujuan dari Web Design ini sendiri ialah untuk membuat website (sekumpulan konten online) yang di dalamnya termasuk dokumen dan aplikasi yang ada di server web atau sebuah server.
Suatu website itu sendiri bisa berupa sekumpulan teks, gambar, suara dan konten yang lain, yang mana bisa juga memiliki sifat interaktif ataupun statis.

Sementara itu, Web Designer (Perancang Web) merupakan orang yang memang mempunyai suatu bentuk keahlian dalam menciptakan konten presentasi yang dikirimkan kepada pengguna akhir melalui World Wide Web (WWW), dengan mengenakan suatu web browser atau perangkat lunak web-enabled yang lain, seperti televisi internet, microblogging, RSS dan lain sebagainya.

Dengan kian berkembangnya atau kian maju spesialisasi dalam desain komunikasi dan di dalam bidang teknologi informasi, terdapat suatu bentuk kecenderungan yang cukup kuat guna menarik garis yang begitu jelas antara web design yang memang khusus diperuntukkan bagi halaman web dan pengembagan web yang memang secara menyeluruh dari semua layanan berbasis web.

Jumat, 17 Mei 2019

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Task 2

Direction : write a paragraph why you are deserved to get A for this subject.

Jawab : time, from the English assignments that have been given, I get many words that I have never had before, God willing, now I understand and easily get an A

Bahasa inggris bisnis 2

Task 1
Direction : Circle the correct form in parentheses, and then give your reason.
1. Rita plays the violin (good/well).
Jawab: well, termasuk kalimat adjective
2. That is an (instese/intensely) novel
Jawab : intense, kata intense termasuk kata adjective yang tidak berubah
3. Your cold sounds (terrible/terribly).
Jawab : terribly, terribly adalah adverbs
4. The table has a (smooth/smoothly) surface.
Jawab : smooth, kata smooth termasuk kata adjective yang tidak berubah
5. We don’t like to drink (bitter/bitterly) tea.
Jawab : bitter, kata bitter termasuk kata adjective yang tidak berubah

Senin, 29 April 2019

Tugas B.Inggris Bisnis 2

While on vacation, I went on vacation to Tanjung Lesung Beach with my friends. We departed from Bogor to Tanjung Lesung beach by riding a car that took about 6 hours. We departed from Bogor at 10pm and then arrived near Tanjung Lesung beach at around 4am. Then we took a break in front of the entrance to Tanjung Lesung Beach to relieve fatigue, after spending a considerable distance. After we rest, we are getting ready to visit Tanjung Lesung Beach. From the front entrance to Tanjung Lesung Beach, it is only 10 minutes by car. Arriving there, we took photos to capture our memories there. Tanjung Lesung Beach provides ATV (All Terrain Vechile), horse carriages & horses that can be used along the coast from east to west. Then we rent 2 units of ATV and we use them alternately. You do not need to worry about the price of the entrance ticket and the tariff for the existing facilities at Tanjung Lesung Beach, because the price is quite cheap and affordable. The following are the rates for the Tanjung Tanjung Beach facility:
• Ticket price: IDR 5,000 / person
• Motorcycle parking rates: Rp.2,000
• Car parking rates: Rp. 10,000, -
• ATV rental prices: IDR 50,000 / 15 minutes
• Horse carriage rental rates: Rp. 20,000 / 1 round
According to one of my friends named Tito Mulyono Putro, Tanjung Lesung Beach has quite large waves and a pretty good view. However, my friend and my friend continued to play water on the beach. Then my friend named Firhan invited us to play soccer on the beach, but Rifal didn't play football and me either.
After hours we played water on the beach, we were finally exhausted and rested on the beach while drinking coconut ice and eating meatballs. Around 4pm we were ready to go home because we only rented a car for one day, so as not to be counted two days our tenant had to arrive in Bogor around 9 o'clock.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnin 2

       4KA16 (MEETING 5-8)

Task 1 (Affirmative Agreement)
Direction: supply the correct form of the verb for the simple statement in each of the following sentences. Elaborate your reason.

1. Rose likes to fly, and her brother ___does___ too.
Di kalimat pertama terdapat kata kerja, sehingga diperlukan kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries (do/does/did) namun tenses nya harus sama

2. They will leave at noon, and I _will_ too.
Jika di kalimat pertama hanya terdapat kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries (will), kata kerja bantunya digunakan juga pada kalimat kedua

3. Their plane is arriving at nine o’clock, and so _is_ mine.
Dikalimat utama terdapat “to be”  “is”, maka kalimat kedua juga menggunakan “to be” dengan tenses yang sama

4. I should go grocery shopping this afternoon, and so _should_ my neighbour.
Jika di kalimat pertama hanya terdapat kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries (will), kata kerja bantunya digunakan juga pada kalimat kedua

5. Our English teacher loves to travel, and so _do__ we.
Di kalimat pertama terdapat kata kerja tanpa kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries (will/should, has dll), sehingga diperlukan kata kerja bantu  do/does/did namun tenses nya harus sama

Task 2 (Negative Agreement)
Direction: fill in the blanks with the correct form of either or neither. Elaborate your reason.

1. The children shouldn’t take that medicine, and _neither_  should she.
Kata neither digunakan sebelum kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries . Pada kalimat pertama terdapat kata kerja bantu should.

2. I don’t like plan to attend the concert, and _either_ do they.
Pada kalimat ini menggunakan  kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries setelah kata “ and” . kalimat kedua harus dengan ”to be” dan kerja bantu/auxilliaries  yang digunakkan diawal kalimat

3. The Yankess couldn’t play due to the bad weather, and    neither_ could the Angels.
Kata neither digunakan sebelum kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries . Pada kalimat pertama terdapat kata kerja bantu could.

4. Mary can’t type well, and her sister can’t _either_.
Kata either digunakan setelah kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries dan kata “not” . pada kalimat kedua,  and her sister can’t (cannot)  either.

5. They won’t have to work on weekends, and we won’t _either_.
Kata either digunakan setelah kata kerja bantu/auxilliaries dan kata “not” . pada kalimat kedua,  and we won’t(will not)  _either_.

Task 3
Direction: identify the one underlined word or phrase that would not be acceptable in standard written English. Elaborate your reason.

1. He isn’t driving to the convention in March, and neither they are.
Seharusnya, He isn’t driving  to the convention in March, and either are they.
Karena kalimat ini merupakan kalimat tunggal

2. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so does John.
Seharusnya, Catherine is studying law at the university, and so is John. Karena di kalimat pertama menggunakkan “to be” is

3. Because they have moved away, they hardly never go to the beach anymore.
Seharusnya, Because they have moved away, they hardly ever go to the beach anymore.
Kata never termasuk kata negative, dan kata hardly pun masuk ke kata negative (almost nothing) jadi jika hardly never berarti double negative.

4. Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so does Jean
Seharusnya, Mary and her sister studied biology last year, and so did Jean
Kalimat ini menggunakan past tense

5. George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t neither.
Seharusnya, George has not completed the assignment yet, and Maria hasn’t either.
kata either atau neither artinya "juga",yang digunakan dalam kalimat bermakna negatif

Selasa, 02 April 2019

Tugas Etika & Profesionalisme TSI

Cybercrime adalah tidak criminal yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknologi computer sebagai alat kejahatan utama. Cybercrime merupakan kejahatan yang memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi computer khusunya internet. Cybercrime didefinisikan sebagai perbuatan melanggar hukum yang memanfaatkan teknologi computer yang berbasis pada kecanggihan perkembangan teknologi internet.
Dari beberapa karakteristik diatas, untuk mempermudah penanganannya maka cybercrime diklasifikasikan :
1) Cyberpiracy : Penggunaan teknologi computer untuk mencetak ulang software atau informasi, lalu mendistribusikan informasi atau software tersebut lewat teknologi komputer.
2) Cybertrespass : Penggunaan teknologi computer untuk meningkatkan akses pada system computer suatu organisasi atau individu.
3) Cybervandalism : Penggunaan teknologi computer untuk membuat program yang menganggu proses transmisi elektronik, dan menghancurkan data di komputer.
 Penyebaran virus secara sengaja
Penyebaran virus pada umumnya dilakukan dengan menggunakan email. Sering kali orang yang sistem emailnya terkena virus tidak menyadari hal ini. Virus ini kemudian dikirimkan ke tempat lain melalui emailnya.
 Contoh Kasus :
Perusahaan peranti lunak, Microsoft dan Norton, Selasa (23/3/2010), menginformasikan adanya ancaman penyusupan virus baru lewat surat elektronik (e-mail) yang merusak data komputer pengguna layanan internet, seperti Yahoo, Hotmail, dan AOL (American OnLine).
Virus itu masuk ke surat elektronik dalam bentuk program presentasi Power Point dengan nama “Life is Beautiful”. Jika Anda menerimanya, segera hapus file tersebut. Karena jika itu dibuka, akan muncul pesan di layar komputer Anda kalimat: “it is too late now; your life is no longer beautiful….” (Sudah terlambat sekarang, hidup Anda tak indah lagi).
Cara Mengatasi :
1.      Gunakan antivirus yang anda percayai dengan update terbaru. Tidak perduli apapun merknya asalkan selalu diupdate, dan auto-protect dinyalakan maka komputer anda terlindungi.
2.      Selalu scanning semua media penyimpanan eksternal yang akan digunakan, mungkin hal ini agak merepotkan tetapi jika auto-protect antivirus anda bekerja maka prosedur ini dapat dilewatkan.
3.      Jika anda terhubung langsung ke Internet cobalah untuk mengkombinasikan antivirus anda dengan Firewall, Anti-spamming, dsb.
4.      Selalu waspada terhadap fle-file yang mencurigakan, contoh : file dengan 2 buah exstension atau file executable yang terlihat mencurigakan.
5.      Untuk software freeware + shareware, ada baiknya anda mengambilnya dari situs resminya.
6.      Semampunya hindari membeli barang bajakan, gunakan software-software open source.
7.      Matikan fasilitas Autoplay pada konfigurasi sistem komputer, untuk mencegah virus masuk melalui perangkat media penyimpanan eksternal (external device), seperti flasdisk.

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2


Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. The second type of question consists of sentences with four underlined words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase that is incorrect in standard written English. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.
1. The rain forest, __________ large trees that provide shade to the vegetation below, is home to unique flora and fauna.

A. has
B. with its
C. and
D. although has

Kalimat diantara koma hanya penjelas sehingga  tidak ada subjek

2. Despite the polar bear’s tremendous weight and height, __________ of sprinting at tremendous speed.

A. it is capable
B. is capable
C. it is able
D. ability

Kalimat sebelum koma merupakan kalimat dependen, sehingga kalimat setelah koma merupakan kalimat independent yang memerlukan subjek dan verb
Kata it is able dan ability salah karena tidak bisa diikuti of tetapi to.

3. Having multiple sclerosis has diminished Mr. Wilson’s physical condition,
but his ability to maintain a positive attitude and continue working an
His ability merupakan subjek dari kalimat kedua tetapi belum ada verb-nya maka seharusnya kalimat working an menjadi is/was

4. The huge increase in popularity of specialty coffees contribution to the
success of Starbucks, Barney’s and other coffee purveyors.
Kata contribution salah karena kalimat merupakan present perfect  (has/have + past participle), seharusnya Has contributed

5. Patients on Interferon are advised __________, so that they can sleep through the night without noticing the flu-like symptoms that are characteristic of the drug.
A. just before going to sleep to inject themselves
B. to inject themselves just before going to sleep
C. to inject just before going to sleep themselves
D. injecting themselves just before going to sleep
Kata advice merupakan verb yang diikuti to-infinitive, sehingga setelah kata advice + to inject

6. After it had conclude work on the budget, the legislature adjourned until the
next session.
Kata conclude salah. Kalimat diatas merupakan past perfect sehingga setelah had + V3 yang berarti concluded

7. Even when awarded a scholarship, a student generally must still paying for
books, living expenses, and other costs.
Paying seharusnya V1 yaitu Pay, jika melihat kalimat awal yang berarti when she/he has been awarned (Kalimat reduced adverb clause)

8. The U.S. government, along with a number of states, is fight a protracted
legal battle with tobacco companies in order to obtain relief for the huge
medical costs caused by smoking.
Kata fight salah, seharusnya pada kalimat aktif kata is + V ing . Fight menjadi fighting

9. The leaders of the two countries __________ an agreement to avoid future conflicts.

A. have recently reach
B. recently reach
C. have reached recently
D. have recently reached

Tenses pada kalimat adalah tenses Present  Perfect (have/has + V3).  Kata have recently reached benar karena kata recently (kata modifie) berada diantara kata bantu (have) dan kata kerja V3 (reached)

10. The teachers are expecting to call tomorrow a meeting in order to review the
disciplinary problems.
Kata tomorrow a meeting salah karena jika memakai rumus S + V + komplement + modifier,  komplemennya adalah meeting, baru diikuti modifier yaitu tomorrow

Task 2
Directions: The first type of question consists of incomplete sentences, with a blank line showing where information is to be filled in. Choose the word or phrase that most correctly completes the sentence. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.
1. The oncologist studied the results of the biopsy and decided __________ additional tests.
A. should order
B. to order
C. he should ordering
D. ordering
kata decide komplemennya kata kerja (verb) sehingga membutuhkan to-infinitive (verb + to-infinitif )
jika menggunakkan should, kalimat tersebut harus that he should order/ he should order

2. Knowing how to repair and install computer networks __________ Melissa a great advantage in her job, because she is the only person in the company with that knowledge.
A. have given B. given C. giving D. has given
Kata knowing pada kalimat berarti gerund, sehingga memerlukan verb yang tepat yaitu has given

Task 3
Directions: Correct the sentence. Explain your reason of choosing the correct answer.
3. The disagreement is between we : The disagreement is between us
     Kata ‘we’ biasanya ada diawal kalimat, kecuali kalimat dalam bentuk pertanyaan

4. She is known for herself contributions to art. : She is knowing for herself contributions to art
    Knowing digunakan untuk bentuk continous tente/dilakukan saat ini.
5. After a difficult ordeal, her and Robert felt great relief. : After a difficult ordeal, she and Robert felt great relief.
   Kata her digunakan untuk objek sekaligus kepemilikan